per share

Yes = Buy
No = Short
This is a permanent market and its duration will be lengthened as long as it's allowed. The aim is to sell your stock (see top right after you've made a bet) when you believe your side has over-corrected and buy in/short it again once it's over-corrected to the other side. Essentially, it's meant to function like a traditional stock market.

PEPE Permanent Stock: https://manifold.markets/BettersonMcgee/pepe-stock-permanent

Read more: https://help.manifold.markets/manifold-101/why-would-you-sell-your-shares

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Close date updated to 2022-11-13 12:00 am

Close date updated to 2027-12-31 12:00 am

Get Ṁ600 play money
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bought Ṁ100 of BUY

Jesus, the alt usage in shorting this market and pumping the PEPE market is pretty blatant.

predicts BUY

@Distort yeh every day @GoodGrief @PepeIsWins @CeeLaw @AHH @Endless @PEEPEE @LeeL @PEPEChatting waddles out of bed and abuses their daily bonus/loan on the PEPE Stock, YEE Stock, or PEPE vs YEE Stock markets at the same time. Everyone should report them breaking TOS.

Testing a bullish breakout on the bidaily EMA descending trapezoid, orderbook is thin towards the upside. PEPEs all poor after exhausting their liquidity

bought Ṁ500 of SHORT

@HumbleFarmer stay mad dumbfuck. I won't stop pumping

predicts BUY

@DoppioFrog down bad, weekly allowance black holed into frog stocks

bought Ṁ300 of SHORT

@BettersonMcgee never taking financial advice from a dino. This is just value investing. -$300 for your troubles GIGACHAD

You should embed the PEPE stock in the description for reference

predicts SHORT

PEPE is STANDING STRONG at 77% DINOS are STARVING at 49% PEPE NOT TOO LATE TO SWITCH SIDES DINOS PEPE https://manifold.markets/BettersonMcgee/pepe-stock-permanent

@BettersonMcgee pepe stays WINNING

bought Ṁ546 of BUY

yee stays neva eva losing

bought Ṁ50 of SHORT

pepe wins, yeedophiles lose

YEE STOCK (Permanent), 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition