What topics or who will Elon Musk tweet about on X before July 4th? [ADD YOUR OWN]
Jul 5
AI safety [option added May 14]
Ilya Sutskever
Presidential debate(s)
Milo Yiannopoulos
Xi Jinping
any Balkan country (full list: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia)
Nick Fuentes
Protests and/or riots on school campuses
European farmers' protests (any country)
A picture with a post about his birthday, on his birthday
Cat girls
Fathers Day
Literally "Make America Great Again" (not MAGA)
Bitcoin Halving
Any cryptocurrency
Some reference to his birthday being 69 days after 4/20
Literally “69”

Whatever Musk tweets or reposts, including reposts (the content directly visible in the repost and pictures (videos, podcasts, etc. are excluded) without opening a thread) after market creation/adding the submission, counts. Whatever is visible under "Posts" on his page, even if deleted later, also counts. Replies, etc., do not count.

  • I reserve the right to mark any answer as N/A for any reason, especially low value answers (i.e. "Tesla" or "United States") according to my judgement. Please ask beforehand. [payments for submissions won't be returned]

  • Literally submissions will only be based on what Musk directly types on X in his own posts and in the text above reposts. This does not include what other people write or what he uses in replies. Furthermore, it does not include what he says in a video or what is visible in a picture or meme, even if these contain words.

Resolution criteria

  • I'll be fairly relaxed, but it should be clear and obvious. I.e. if he tweets "the president does[...]," Joe Biden would resolve to yes. However, "Obamacare" won't resolve "Obama." "Transgender" isn't enough to resolve "LGBT," but "LGBTQIA+" and "transgender, [...] homosexuals and bisexuals" would resolve "LGBT." If the submission requires an international context, the submission won't resolve if Musk only mentions a single country. If you need more examples, please feel free to ask.

  • I'll use my own judgment and might seek input from mods in unclear cases or decide to N/A.

  • I won't bet in this market except if Microsoft pushes certain answers in the ranking.

  • The question closes on July 4th at 0:00 PT. Any submissions without proof by July 5th at 0:00 PST will be resolved as NO.

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Only original posts and reposts are considered for this question. Replies do not count.

Please do not intentionally copy submissions from other users in my old market. I will mark them as N/A.

Ilya Sutskever

@shankypanky Added his last name for clarification. Hope it's okay.

@Lion for sure - I added it in haste while I was half attentive just for the sake of getting something in, in case a tweet came 😂 thanks for updating 🍲


Please resolve yes for censorship!

@AGG I added this one below under the censorship option and tagged Lion. I'm sure he'll get to it (he's in Europe and it's late there).

@AGG Thanks

please Elon, have the soup at IHOP and tell us about it 🍲

I am NOT inclined to resolve according to both posts.

@shankypanky It's about hate speech and retroactively arresting offenders. It might involve freedom of speech, but even that is an edge case to me. It doesn't clearly touch on the topic of censorship. The reposted tweet or Elon's text doesn't make any comments about how censoring hate speech is bad or something similar.

@ChristopherRandles Being politically correct isn't censorship, particularly in this case where it's voluntary

@ChristopherRandles It's about a fine and a court decision about an individual statement/person. Not obvious.

bought Ṁ579 Answer #9d608dc0a335 YES

@shankypanky Does that also do 'Tik tok ban'? wrong way around I guess.

@ChristopherRandles I'm not sure, Lion can decide because it's his market. I would guess not, as it's not a ban - just some select users/accounts requested for deletion. the tik tok ban these days refers to banning the app (like there has been discussion about doing in the US). but it's up to Lion of course! he'll get to it this weekend I'm sure.

@shankypanky It also mentions Turkey part of which is in the Balkans but I probably wouldn't say Turkey is a Balkan ***Country***

@ChristopherRandles I don't understand your point?
the option is "any Balkan country" and Turkey, as we agree and general parlance agree, isn't one of them...

@ChristopherRandles As @shankypanky mentions, this isn't about the TikTok ban, this is about censorship in different countries. I'll add US to TikTok ban to make it a little bit more obvoius/clear.

I'll add a list of countries that I'll consider as Balkan countries. Turkey isn't one of them.

bought Ṁ250 Answer #5750a5a16188 YES

@Lion this one got left out of the last resolutions it looks like 🧡

@shankypanky Yeah, sorry, haven't seen that

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