Is the universe fully deterministic?

Will resolve to MKT at close

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bought Ṁ20 of NO


bought Ṁ50 of YES

@Puggy mwi

Possible arbitrage opportunity?

(Oh wait, it was reposted below so never mind.)

bought Ṁ150 of NO

This will basically resolve randomly according to the whims of some whale in 2030

@TomShlomi Would anyone here object to changing the resolution criteria to either include a clause against blatant manipulation or use a poll instead? Or we could create a new market like that.

predicts NO

@jack I'd pretty strongly prefer making a new market; that would be a pretty big change to this market.

Here, I made a new one that resolves to physicist opinion after we've discovered all the mysteries of the universe that it's possible to discover.

I don't think I can predict who the biggest whale will be in 2030 and which way they'll bet.

predicts NO

@Yev Of course not, it's not deterministic!

bought Ṁ10 of NO

A narrow definition of universe is no because of quantum. A wide definition is no because of some part of the multiverse running on non-deterministic math.

predicts YES

@MartinRandall I second your first point, but why posit a non-deterministic multiverse?

predicts NO

@BionicD0LPH1N If it has all possible math in it then some of that math is going to be non-deterministic, no?

Depends on what exactly you mean by "deterministic" and "the universe". The state of the universe is a wave function which evolves deterministically according the Schrodinger equation. However, there is quantum randomness (non-determinism) in observations of physical systems. However, I view the universe (which of course includes us and our observations) as simply evolving deterministically (i.e. many-worlds interpretation).
bought Ṁ10 of YES

@jack Same thing here. Our universe is deterministic, even if subjectively we perceive true quantum randomness. I bet yes as a vote and because I think in long term Everett theory will gain the full acceptance it deserves.