🟠Who would have to be running for Manifold to vote for Donald Trump in a presidential election? [ADD RESPONSES]
Jun 1
A large asteroid, plummeting towards Earth's gravity well
The Mad King Aerys Targaryen II
Charles Manson
Curtis Yarvin
Kang and/or Kodos
A severe case of ulcerative colitis
A time traveler who can only go back in time to kill Hitler if he isn't busy being president
Lee Harvey Oswald
Dolores Umbridge
Nick Land
The Master / Harry Saxon (from Doctor Who)
Andrew Johnson
A random citizen with diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia and a dependence on stimulants
Josh Hawley
Tucker Carlson
A randomly-chosen prisoner in the US carceral system, sentenced for life
Jair Bolsonaro
Bill Cipher

High Percent answer = Manifold would vote for Trump instead of this person
Low Percent answer = Manifold would vote for this person instead of Trump

Will be resolved by a poll for each option when the market closes.

See other for more options: /strutheo/who-would-have-to-be-running-for-ma-174d8cf13790

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🖕🖕Shit. He knows shit's bad right now. With all that starving bullshit. And the dust storms. And running out of French Fries and burrito coverings. But he's got a solution.🖕🖕

The president from Idiocracy

bought Ṁ10 Answer #25a850cce934 YES

Wouldn't veto stamp basically just be perma government shutdown?? Nothing is ever getting passed unless something radically changes

@StarkLN veto override

@nikki That's still putting a pretty high amount of faith in 2/3 of congress.

@StarkLN It's saying things can't change unless 2/3rds of Congress agrees. We could do a lot worse than that. I would prefer a President even roughly aligned with my values rather than a veto stamp, but I would prefer a veto stamp over a President antithetical to my values.

She actually killed the dog because she knew it would beat Trump in an election. All a ploy to become his VP by eliminating his biggest political threats

A large asteroid, plummeting towards Earth's gravity well
sold Ṁ22 A large asteroid, pl... YES

Consider: You're just voting for the asteroid to become president, not for it to hit Earth. Whether or not it hits Earth has nothing to do with your vote.

wait why is Bobby Fischer so high?

bought Ṁ10 Answer #14067561c953 YES

Netanyahu NO gotta be undervalued right now. The poll is very close

@StarkLN what the heck guys its an apartheid open air prison nakba genocide, Netanyahu definitely is worse than trump pls buy more Netanyahu YES

@dgga No it's a justified war against a terrible terrorist organization, by a country that happens to be currently led by a noxious coalition. Supporting Netanyahu and his friends over Hamas is like supporting Trump over ISIS. It's common sense.

@nathanwei if you just heard something fly over your head you should check my position in the market in question

@dgga OK posting a word salad like that is obviously satirical, my apologies. ;)

@dgga aw shucks, maybe I should've waited on this comment. Forgot that I hadn't taken my loan

@StarkLN I'll drop you a 10% finder's fee if I end up profiting on this one. Remind me if I forget

bought Ṁ20 Answer #14067561c953 YES

Rorschach would immediately start a lot of wars. No compromise, even in the face of Armageddon.

bought Ṁ35 Answer #b722ad702a2c NO

Relatively normal leftist. Vaush resolved NO, I don't see why Hasan would be different. But this was at 80%?

@Joshua okay despite my dgg background im not one to usually care for the Hasan bashing, but he is absolutely not a normal leftist. He is a full-on USSR/China/Hamas simp leftist. He's like the imaginary communist the Cold War was fought against.

I would vote for him over Trump because I doubt he could actually get anything done as president but ideologically he is re-education-camps-for-capitalists-kill-all-landlords-nuke-israel -unhinged.

Bill Cipher

This is a demon who re-arranges people's holes for fun and wants to destroy the universe

Are we just assuming the 25th ammendment gets invoked for answers like this? Seems bad to leave the country without a commander-in-chief.

@Joshua who is the vice president though?

bought Ṁ10 Answer #5dfe80f2cf66 YES


bought Ṁ10 Answer #542c08d7405b YES

Light Yagami should not be within the same zip code as the nuclear codes, this should be at 100%

@Joshua look people are just really sick of rising crime rates

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