Vibecamp/VC3 Bingo [June 13-16]
Jun 18
talk to 3 different people about things they're passionate about
find a collaborator and run an experiment
change a belief (my own or someone else's)
join an RPG
someone offers some form of psychedelics
get invited to a cuddle puddle (or similar activity)
learn a new skill from someone
do a favour for someone
learn 5 fun facts
receive a gift from someone
give someone a gift
2+ people join or return (3+ months inactive) to Manifold to bet on this market
someone manipulates this market for at least 200 mana in profit
someone shares about their parts (IFS) unprompted
someone passes out printed bingo boards/cards

note: this is a bingo (rather than prop bets), which means answers should be things I personally will do/see/experience

I have yet to book my event ticket and start thinking about the logistics for Vibecamp 3, but it's coming up a few days after Manifest and it seems like a good moment to head from the campuses of Berkeley to the natural surrounds of Maryland to frolic a little longer.

check out the markets for LessOnline, Summer Camp, and Manifest here:

Manifest/LessOnline Dashboard

Open for responses! Add suggestions of things you think I may do/see/encounter during VC3 - you'll get trader bonuses every time someone bets on your options. If you prefer, comment with a suggestion and I'll add it for you.

Relevant bits:

  • the event is in Darlington, MD on a campground.

  • vibecamp accommodation is either cabins or tents (I plan to be in a shared cabin with any number of strangers).

  • I was at vibeclipse in early April and I'm not sure how many, but there are a fair few people who are attending VC3 as well so I expect I'll see some familiar faces.

  • I won't book a flight out in advance as I plan to stick around for some 'after party' things; for now the market is for VC only - I may make a separate one for pre- and post-event activities.

  • I'll take photos for posterity when I can.

I'd like to resolve lots of Yes answers! I'll bet on this market in the direction I think is most likely and won't change my bet at a late stage. I will adjust bets as time goes on, though, to reflect what seems realistic.

feel free to get some inspiration from past bingo markets:






I'll resolve n/a at my discretion but count on it for junk or spam answers including really easy Yeses (yes, I plan to wake up each day) or really easy Nos (no, I won't insult someone for a market) or absurd/impossible ones (no, I'm not going to walk to NYC from the site). just play nice and add real things, okay? 🧡 If you're unsure, feel free to comment or DM to check before adding.

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@gptbrooke any news on those Insane Nerd Prizes? 😘

(maybe I should try to make some merit badges for the nerds going for the trifecta...)