🧂What will be true about Spice, the new Manifold currency? [ADD RESPONSES]
May 17
Will appear in the sidebar alongside mana
The moment it’s released, all users will have the same amount of it
Users will start with 0 SPICE when it is initially rolled out
fifty or less markets will produce it when enabled
people will call it peepees
Earned by sharing/referrals
Can be redeemed for physical goods / merch
Creator fees get paid out in spice
Can be redeemed for gift cards
On a poll, users say it is a good addition
Any user has >25,000 spice (anytime) within a week of its release
will have a symbol that resembles "W"
Will be exchangeable for on-site perks (e.g. badges, advanced features, access to gated leagues)
fifty or more markets will produce it when enabled
Will be orange/brown coloured
Manifold users will start referring to it simply as '$'
It will be purple/pink 🩷
Its symbol will look similar to the $
Logo will be a P
Spice is for profits, mana is for trader bonuses
Get Ṁ200 play money
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Any user has >25,000 spice (anytime) within a week of its release
bought Ṁ40 Any user has >25,000... NO

IIUC they're only gonna roll out spice to very limited markets to start so I'd be very surprised if within a week of the launch, markets resolve so that 1 person has 25k winning shares. bet this down a ton. (if it was rolled out to all markets, then sure that's more likely). (I mean I dunno if there will even be any of the blessed markets that resolve within a week, that's a tight timeframe).

people will call it peepees
bought Ṁ50 people will call it ... YES

already do

@Stralor teaching my dog to make spice outside

Any user has >25,000 spice (anytime) within a week of its release

based on how i understand this, the only way is to make 25k in profit in one week on markets that end in less than a week ? is that even possible

@strutheo ah i guess they can surprise us with a starting balance or something

sold Ṁ0 Answer #a73b505809c5 YES

@strutheo Will spice only be enabled for markets created after spice is launched? I assumed any market was eligible to have spice enabled (in which case it just means that you need 25k shares to resolve in those markets). but maybe they said it'd only be for new markets.

@Ziddletwix oh true youre probably right

Can be redeemed for gift cards

waiting for them to say - they would like to and mentioned it in the doc, but never confirmed it would happen

@strutheo Did you just unresolve a bunch of these?

@TimothyJohnson5c16 yes sorry everyone going back through them tn

how does this resolve if manifold does not exist ?

@Odoacre I think that question answers itself

bought Ṁ10 Spice is for profits... NO

@PlasmaBallin Not really, for example we could export this market to google docs

@Odoacre How would that work?

@PlasmaBallin we would export the trading historiy via the API and make a manual order book

Gift cards and merch!!

bought Ṁ30 Answer #2b53150d611c YES

Is this resolvable? https://manifoldmarkets.notion.site/A-New-Deal-for-Manifold-c6e9de8f08b549859c64afb3af1dd393

The Pivot has been posted, "spice" or Prize Points is the main change.

@Qoiuoiuoiu They’re “exploring” the idea of redeeming it for real money, it’s not confirmed yet

@Arky you really think they are going through all this trouble and don't have a definite plan for it?

@Odoacre I mean the chance of legal issues is definitely nonzero, especially for the straight up “cash out for dollars” option

as in, inspired the temporary name "spice", right? if "spice" isn't the final name, does this refer to "did dune inspire the name"? (i'm assuming not or this is way too high, given that 'spice as final name' is 5%)

@Ziddletwix yea idk what to do with this one, i assumed it was for spice, in which case it is clearly yes based on their last post. ill ignore the eventual name

bought Ṁ20 It will be purple/pi... NO

@strutheo seems fair

@Ziddletwix Yes, for (what ended up being) the temporary name 'spice' was what I intended.

@strutheo What are we looking at here?

@GazDownright dune referece profile pics just changed

@strutheo Aha 💡 Cheers, I'm on mobile and the resolution wasn't resolutioning.

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